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School Training and Consultation

School training and consultation is often a critical component of behavioral interventions for youth. Dr. Avny provides such services to schools on a patient-specific and more global level. 


Consultations often include the school staff whom are most involved in supporting the student, including teachers, counselors, and other keyworkers. During consultations, Dr. Avny guides the staff with appropriate steps to promote and maintain progress in the school, teaching techniques consistent with those used in treatment.


Dr. Avny also leads trainings for schools designed to more generally educate school staff on youth anxiety and behavior. Each training is individualized for the specific needs of the school and its student population. 

Students and Teacher in Classroom
Contact Dr. Avny
Dr. Shelley Avny, PhD/CAAP


106 Straub Center Blvd
Suite FL3, Mailbox A12
Pennington, NJ 08534

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